Thursday, December 16, 2010

1st Trimester Narrative Newsletter

December 15, 2010

Hello Families,

It is hard to believe that the first trimester is over, and we are quickly approaching winter break.  I appreciate your patience in getting your child’s narrative.  The process of switching to the new form began last school year, and it took even longer than we expected.  I hope it was worth the wait.  The new form will not be changed again this school, but I would like any feedback you have on the new form for future years.  We would like the narratives to be as close to perfect as possible for the students, parents, and teachers.

I am still waiting for many students to provide me with their topic for their next interest projects.  I am trying to receive all of that information before printing out next trimester’s learning plans.  I know there are some students and parents eagerly awaiting them.Please try to get that information to me by tomorrow (Thursday, December 16th), so I can get the forms printed and to you before break.  If you are already all set, thank you.

I would like to remind everyone of ways to stay in touch with what is going on in our classroom.  You can visit the class blog at to see all the latest news, milestone information, camp details, etc.  Students’ completed and missing homework (my gradebook) can be seen at  Students are able to login with their information.  Several parents also have asked for logins.  Not all of those parents have used this option, but if you would like an account to keep up on student homework, please let me know.

If you have any questions about narratives, camp, exhibitions, etc., please don’t hesitate to contact me.  You can always reach me at  You can reach me at school from about 7:45 am to 4:00 pm at 313-874-9800.  You can reach me from 7:00 am to 8:15 am, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, and 4:00 pm to about 8:00 pm on my cell phone, which is 734-239-1642.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe winter break.

Neil Wetherbee

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