Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Milestone 1

In students' mailboxes on Oct. 12.

Milestone 1-Due Thursday, October 20, 2011
  • Resources (books, websites, questions for interviews, etc.) for Interest Project

*You MUST have at least 5 resources to have a full project
*You MUST complete the worksheet and sign at the bottom

Milestone 2-Due Thursday, November 17, 2011
  • Notes from all resources, note cards, an outline, etc. of the information you will present.

*To get credit for this Milestone, notes must be in the student’s own words.

*I WILL NOT accept printed off resources from the Internet (this would have been for Milestone 1).

Milestone 3-Due Thursday, December 8, 2011
  • Visual aids for Interest Project

*Visual aids must be completely put together.
*Your exhibition should be done at this point.  This gives you at least four days to practice.

Exhibitions Start-Monday, December 12th, 2011


As you can see, Milestones are due on Thursdays.  As a floor, we have decided to do “Fun Fridays” after each Milestone date.  We will have fun activities planned for those students who turn in the Milestone ON TIME AND COMPLETE.  Students who do not, will be working on their Milestones during that time.

Student’s Name___________________________________________

Driving Question: ______________________________________

Milestone 1: Resources- Thursday, October 20, 2011
You must have at least 5 different resources.

Books: Please list all of the books/magazine articles that you HAVE AT HOME right now that relate to your driving question.  If you can’t fit everything on this side, please put the rest on the back.  You may also type and/or email Milestone 1.



Websites: Please list all of the websites that you have visited that relate to your driving question. Be specific! Just writing is not enough! If you can’t fit everything on this side, please put the rest on the back.

For example:

Interviews/Letters: If you have to write letters or interview someone for your project, you need to bring copies of the interview questions and copies of the letters that you have sent out already.  

I verify that my child has all of these resources at home right now.

Parent Signature Date

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