Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Readers' Theater - Zombie Attack

Last week we read some short plays in class.  The students then spent the rest of the week, during their free time, writing and rehearsing their own short readers' theater.  Here Michael, Ryan, and Darien share their story of zombies coming to life.

School Calendar Changes

Here are some important upcoming dates.  Please note that some of the schedule has changed from previously released versions.

January 16 ---- No school for teachers or students
January 23 ---- Records Day no school for students (changed from January 24)
February 3 ---- Interim Data day no school for students (changed from January 23)
February 20-21 -- School for everyone
February 22-24 -- No school for students or teachers (Mid-Winter Break)

Let me know if you have any questions.

Monday, December 19, 2011

MAP Testing

Here is our MAP testing schedule for January.  Please do your best to be present at the times listed below.  Students that have to take retakes almost never do as well as the kids who take it with the whole class.

January 10th - 11:00-12:00 - Reading
January 12th - 11:00-12:00 - Math
January 17th - 1:30-2:30     - Language

Good luck everyone

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter Solstice Update

Thank you all for the responses I've received about next Thursday.  I wanted to give everyone an update so people can plan accordingly.  

Many families (more than half) expressed interest in doing some cookie baking.  If you choose to bake something, please keep in mind that there are 17 students in the class.

I have pizza orders from 9 kids.  If I haven't gotten one, and your child wants pizza, please get it to me as soon as possible.

Here is the list of other stuff agreed to be brought in so far (the x# indicates number of families saying that):
  • cups x2
  • plates x4
  • drinks x2
  • punch
  • chips x2
  • donuts
It looks like a good size list of food, but if anyone bringing plates wants to switch to something else, please let me know.

Talesha and Sabra indicated having an interest in doing something with a craft.  If you have any idea of times or projects let me know.  Otherwise, I'll work on figuring something out.

Finally, I don't know if we will have time for playing games or not, it already looks like a busy day, but students can bring in board and card games just in case.

Let me know if I can help in any other way.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Solstice

Although it feels like the school year has just begun, we're approaching the Winter Solstice and our winter break.  The students, and several parents, have been asking me what we are going to do this year.  I usually try to avoid parties at school, but the students have earned it this year.  As a class we've brainstormed some ideas.  Our list is the big ideas, but the details still need to be sorted out.  I will put a handout in your child's mailbox today so be on the lookout.  Also, feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Exhibition Example & Support

Exhibitions are less than three weeks away.  I know that I am very excited about seeing the hard work done by all of the children, but I know that many children are scrambling to finish up their work.  Below you will find a YouTube video of my sample exhibition.  You will also find a copy of the PowerPoint and my note cards.  Let me know if you need any more help or have any questions.  Milestone 3 will be the homework for tonight and this weekend.