Wednesday, April 9, 2014

3rd Grade Plans

This is an 8 minute video about the International Space Station.  Astronaut Williams is going to give you a tour of the space station.  She'll show you the bedrooms, bathroom, and kitchen.  Pay attention to how the water floats when she's brushing her teeth.  She also talks about how to use the bathroom in space, which I know is a little gross and funny.  But, it really is something that is interesting.  Please be mature during this part.  While watching the video, be thinking about what you would include in your own space station and any experiments you would like to try in zero gravity (floating).

More Information
More information on the space station can be found here and here.  If you are on the computer, I expect you to be on one of these two websites.  Do not wander off.

Brainstorm what would you include in your own space station.  Would you have a gym?  Would your kitchen have to have a toaster?  Be creative.  On the handout, draw and label a picture of your space station.  In the space below, describe what you include in your space station and what experiments you would like to try.  If you need more space, you may use the back.  Please be sure to put your name on it and to turn it in at the end of class.

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